For businesses of all sizes, you must provide the safest environment possible to your clients. Therefore, you want to make sure that your business has clear, easy-to-see and identify emergency exit signs.
No matter the size, location, or industry of your company, be prepared to clearly mark for your customers and employees how they can exit any area of the building, in case of an emergency.
In addition to visual cues, you may also need to consider emergency exit signage that takes into consideration the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
As a business owner, you may be
Safety regulations state that all emergency exit signs must be lit. Now, they can be illuminated – meaning, they can light from inside – or non-illuminated. Non-illuminated signage may be lit from an outside source.
Illuminated lighting is one of the surest ways to maintain safety for people at your property during an emergency. People rely on clear, easy-to-follow directions to guide them in case of an emergency. Proper emergency lighting m
When planning emergency lighting, consistency is key. Maintain
Today’s emergency exit signs come in a variety of designs to mix with the aesthetic of your building and your brand. Choose from a spectrum of colors, different materials, and mountings from the ceiling or the surface of your choice.
You can still get basic designs that clearly spell out “EXIT” for people, you can also find designs that include motion-sensor lighting, sirens
You can choose from engineering for wet or high-moisture areas, or specialty designs for children, elderly, or people with special needs. Many designs now include images, arrows, and more than the simple word.
Illuminated signs include a few additional requirements:
Although businesses range in size, design, operations and management style, and more, they are all held to the same standards of safety. No matter your industry, your business must place emergency exit signs as s a priority.
In addition to the federal requirements, consider the local, state, or industry-specific regulations.
Yes, you'll have regular inspections conducted by security companies or government agencies, but you should visually inspect your emergency exit signs daily. Ideally, you can prevent long-term disaster. Look for tampering, power backup failure, or other conditions that can make your lighted exit signs inoperable.
Get the help of professionals. Get your questions answered. There's nothing more important the safety of the people at your business.